NCWA Benefits Sheet
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NCWA represents Region 4 of ASA and is a proud partner providing service to the PHCP and Industrial PVF industries.
NCWA is an integral partner with the American Supply Association. Regional associations like NCWA provide a vital link in delivering programs, services, education, and networking opportunities to members on a local and regional level.
Membership in NCWA automatically provides you with a membership which includes full membership in the American Supply Association (ASA) at one low price.
Meetings, Seminars & Workshops
NCWA Annual Convention NCWA’s Annual Convention provides an unparalleled opportunity to meet face-to-face with top level personnel from wholesaler and manufacturing firms.
The location and program are structured to provide ample time to network with key people both on a formal business level and on a more informal, personal level.
The Conference Business Meetings Program, Industry Forum, and Keynote Addresses have gained a reputation for being among the industry’s best programs.
The June time slot affords a balanced combination of business, social, and recreational sessions offered in a family friendly setting.
Your first year as a new member, you are extended a complimentary delegate and spouse registration, providing hundreds of dollars worth of immediate return on your dues investment.
Seminar & Training Programs
NCWA offers inexpensive, high quality training for a wide range of personnel levels, including CEO/top management, branch management, sales, financial, warehouse personnel, and more through a variety of program formats, including tapes, CDs, workbooks, manuals, and live seminars ranging from one to three days in length. NCWA Profit Enhancement Institute, offered annually since 1988, is the only industry-specific three day intensive training institute for branch and upper management level positions. Regional Meetings – Fall Series of one day seminars on a variety of topics including Inside/Outside Sales, Counter Sales, Warehouse/Inventory Management, Personnel Training, Financial Operations, Evolving Technologies, Freight Training, Safety & Loss Prevention, and more. Workshops and Best Practices Sessions – Educational and Best Practices sessions offered during the Annual Convention on topics such as Succession & Estate Planning, Negotiation Strategies, Managing the Showroom, Time Management, Effective Leadership, Changes, Challenges & Trends in the Industry, Financial Strategies, & Making Technology Profitable. In House Training Programs – NCWA offers a newly released training program, Negotiation Strategies for the PHCP/PVF Sales Professional, a series of 5 CDs and workbook developed by Negotiation Strategies specifically for the PHCP/PVF industry.
NCWA prides itself on providing timely information and industry updates to its members through a comprehensive communications network that includes:
Quarterly Newsletter
Membership Directory
Cross-Industry Compensation Survey
Legislative Updates
Industry Confidence Index
Annual Benchmarking Report
Networking is clearly at the hub of association value and these opportunities play a key element in NCWA activities throughout the year.
The Convention Conference Booth Program sets the stage for face-to-face business discussions with top level vendor personnel, as well as independent reps.
Sales Meetings held during the Convention further facilitate business-to- business dialog.
Social and business functions encourage strengthening personal relationships and building new ones.
And Much More!
Wholesaler members know that they are receiving not only quality educational programs, training, and networking opportunities, but also a wide array of insurance offerings, car rental discounts, overnight & shipping discount programs, legislative and regulatory compliance information, and much more through their membership in NCWA and ASA.