09/08/2024 – 09/10/2024 IMARK Invitational, Carlsbad CA
09/17/2024 – 09/20/2024 AIM/R Annual Conference, Nashville TN
11/13/2024 – 11/15/2024 ASA NETWORK 2024, Chicago IL
03/10/2025 – 03/13/2025 The Commonwealth Group Spring Conference
06/01/2025 – 06/03/2025 NCWA Annual Convention – OMNI, Bedford PA
10/21/2025 – 10/23/2025 AIM/R Annual Conference, Scottsdale AZ
11/12/2025 –  11/14/2025 ASA NETWORK 2025, Washington DC


Letter from the Executive V.P. ————–

Growth is a Beautiful Thing

2023 has been another very strong year for NCWA. Looking back on 2023, it has been a strong year for most of our distributors as the market has held up reasonably well against the inflation we have experienced. Our industry continues to thrive more in some markets than others but overall, we hear good reports from most of our members. While there continue to be some distribution challenges, the demographers continue to tell us there is not enough housing for our population and growth is inevitable.

Acquisitions and mergers continue in our market as some generations are retiring, yet we have a strong number of next-generation owners who are building onto their businesses and striving to grow. The next generation is bringing with it more technological advances and integrating those into their workplaces. Social media is becoming more of a strong marketing tool and this generation knows how to use it.

NCWA is advancing right along with our members as we strive to add more social media presence with Linked-In, Facebook and Instagram and of course enhancements to our website. We are bringing new benefits to our members through the weekly Friday 10-minute sales tips podcast by Larry Levine and Darrell Amy of “Selling from the Heart.” Larry and Darrell will also be providing an in-person workshop on April 17th and 18th in conjunction with our Leadership Development Council’s scheduled tour of WinWholesale’s Distribution center in Dayton, OH on April 16.

Our 2024 convention will be held at the Hilton Downtown Columbus, OH, June 4th with our annual golf tournament being held at the Columbus Country Club on June 5th. Hotel space is limited, and we continue to experience growth so make sure you book your hotel early.

I would be remiss if I did not state a huge thank you to our vendor sponsors. Each year we have gained new sponsors, and we have many sponsors who continue to step their sponsorships up. In 2023, we saw our largest growth in vendor sponsors, and we are so thankful for their support.

As we continue to strive to grow NCWA, please reach out to us if you would like to serve in some capacity. Our current Board of Directors is represented by many next generation business leaders, and they are driving our events and the benefits for our member companies. Our Leadership Development Council helps us plan education and networking opportunities for the next generation of industry leaders and they have big plans for the future. Our leadership is truly a great cross section of the companies in our industry, and we so appreciate their volunteering their time and energy to make NCWA the organization it is today and into the future.


Terry Shafer, Exec. VP

North Central Wholesalers Association
7107 Crossroads Blvd.  |  Suite 106  |  Brentwood, TN  |  37027
615.371.5004 Office  |  615.371.5444 Fax  |  615.516.0106 Cell

[email protected]